Cannon Hill State School P&C
For more information about the role of the P&C and how to participate, visit the Our community page.
Cannon Hill State School Parents and Citizens (P&C) Association is a forum for parents/carers and citizens to support our school for the benefit of all students.
Our P&C Association is a vital part of the school’s success, assisting the school by providing:
- opportunity to discuss and provide feedback on school plans and activities
- additional funding to purchase resources to enhance student learning
- parents/carers with opportunities to be involved in their child’s education
- families with opportunities to engage with the school community
With proceeds from events, activities, the second hand uniform shop and other fundraising activities, we help deliver the kitchen garden, computers, literacy resources, instrumental music program resources, weekly Breakfast Club, class swimming lessons and much more.
In addition, we apply for grants to fund the installation of a variety of items that add value to our facilities.
We work closely with the school administration team, our local councillor, State and Federal members, as well as our major sponsors.
All the above mentioned activities are only possible through the generous donation of time from the parent volunteers within our school.
Our P&C committee is always happy to welcome new members who are interested in learning more about what is happening at Cannon Hill State School and/or contributing to the work we do.
If you have a particular skill or trade, networking connections, or are willing to help out with your time when required, please let us know by emailing Our meetings are held every 6 weeks at 6.30pm in the studio space and online via zoom, and meeting dates are advertised in the weekly school bulletin. Children are welcome at meetings. We'd love to see you there.